Why choose AirPuff for Trading

AirPuff follows such a mechanism that ensures low-cost trading on multi-chained platforms. Unlock the power of crypto, leveraging, and blending lending to maximize the airdrop rewards. Get higher returns on your investment through its diverse ecosystem.


Being a Lender, you can deposit assets and earn guaranteed interest along with the sharing portion of the Airdrop rewards.


You can certainly use assets from AirPuff’s Lending Pool and employ diverse leveraging strategies to amplify the rewards. Use Restaking Tokens (LTRs) to unlock possible airdrops.

APuff Holders

This upcoming strategy will amplify your earnings by the inclusion of diverse airdrop strategies.

AirPuff- Step into the world of Airdrop 2.0

Welcome to AirPuff which is counted as the guiding light that works behind Airdropfi. You must have already known the advantages brought about by Artificial Intelligence. But have you ever wondered if AI will help us increase the level of Airdrop rewards to an extent that we haven’t ever thought of? Certainly, this is what AirPuff does when it comes to farming rewards through Airdropfi.
Simply talking about AirPuff, is a platform that helps you with deep market insights and does a trend analysis required for creating some really useful and effective farming strategies. Additionally, we also get to know that it is a platform that unites passionate airdrop enthusiasts, yield hunters, and reward maximizers to become a part of a great community that aims to work towards maximizing rewards.

What is AirPuff and its vision?

The main aim why AirPuff came into existence is to get the highest possible gains with every drop by utilizing different strategies, optimizing timing, participating in Airdrops, and allocating tasks based on capabilities. The algorithm used by AirPuff takes into consideration real-time market conditions and adjusts its strategies to grab the opportunities and minimize the risk.
On AirPuff, they not only work for farming airdrops, but they use the capabilities of AI in full swing to make sure that you benefit from every drop.

What opportunities does AirPuff offer?

Available via https://www.AirPuff.io/, AirPuff comes with a wide range of features and functionalities that could help you maximize the rewards you’ll earn. Following are the opportunities or provisions that you’ll get with AirPuff:

  • Restaking and liquid restaking- AirPuff focuses majorly on restaking and liquid restaking markets which helps to measure the significant potential that they come with. Restaking platforms such as EigenLayer are all set to offer around $2 billion in airdrop to all those who will take part in restaking program through its platform. This also gives opportunities to airdrop collectors to help them maximize rewards.
  • L1 and L2 Blockchains- The capabilities that airdrops hold are provided to the existing Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain projects such as Blast And Zircuit. Within the crypto ecosystem, AirPuff is working as the driving force behind offering maximized rewards to its users.
  • Stablecoins- Stablecoins play a significant role in the working mechanism of the centralized as well as DeFi, but they still are looking for a strong identity in the crypto marketplace. Stablecoins are often found to be airdropping governance tokens and this is where AirPuff comes into action by providing multiplying the returns over these airdrops.

How does AirPuff Work?

AirPuff provides its services to users belonging to two different categories. Since these users have their own set of demands and goals, it provides them with a customized experience:

  • Lenders

AirPuff has come up with a “Lending” option for those users who are looking for instant and stable returns over airdrops or points. The participants in this category have the option to lend out their capital in order to earn additional rewards and benefits. On average, a lender can earn around ~20% lending APR. This helps in the provision of a seamless pathway for those looking for real returns.

  • Leverage Airdrop farmers

AirPuff allows the optimistic users on AirDrops or Points to take part in under-collateralized leverage so that they can guess the value of Airdrops. This feature turns out to be an appealing feature to all those users who want to monetize their expected appreciation of airdrop assets. This in turn gives an approximate or dynamic dimension to the platform.

Work mechanism of AirPuff

If you want to understand how AirPuff works in a detailed manner, you can take note of the following details:

  • Lending

Lenders offer their lending capital on https://www.AirPuff.io/ so that they get the opportunity to earn some interest on their deposits.

  • Leveraging

Those individuals who leverage are provided with the opportunity to pick their preferred leverage size (which could go up to 15x). And then, they can deposit the respective collateral into the system.

  • Minting of token

AirPuff utilizes the deposits made by users and the capital that is borrowed for minting the protocol token.

  • Interest and rewards

During the whole process, leveragers are asked to pay a stable interest rate as well as point split to all the lenders. This interest is further given to lenders as compensation for using their funds to elevate their positions. This, in turn, ensures a beneficial agreement for both parties (lenders and leveragers).


Buff, Lend, or use Air-Containers on AirPuff to enhance your crypto trading experience and unlock its true potential. Use this low-cost and multi-chained platform to maximize your airdrop rewards, earn returns and bonuses from airdrops, and use AirDrop Containers to earn extra airdrops without having to pay an additional amount or face any kind of risk.

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